Big Oscar, Bronze

Rated 4.0 by Award Sites!

Dear Janice,
Thank you very much for submitting your site for the BigOscar's Award.
Based on the criteria your site scored the following:

17 Points (Bronze 16-21) = Bronze. You win the "BigOscar ** (2 Stars)", congratulations!

Judges comment's:
* Entry to this site. It clearly defined the purpose up front.
* Very clean quality of graphics and good layout that is well placed for the visitor.
* Good level of effort. Only conflict was D-HTML navigation menu with the "slide show" portion of the site.
* Very good presentation of content. A wonderful education on Wolves. Thorough and visually appealing.
* Very friendly navigation. Offered 2 forms of navigation and also image links.
* A job well done.

You are now in the August 2002 Winners Page (Bronze).
Best regards,
The Team of BigEye Award Program!

August 28, 2002

"Dances With Wolves"