Dear Janice,
Thank you very much for submitting your site for the BigOscar's Award.
Based on the criteria your site scored the following:
17 Points (Bronze 16-21) = Bronze. You win the "BigOscar ** (2 Stars)", congratulations!
Judges comment's:
* Entry to this site. It clearly defined the purpose up front.
* Very clean quality of graphics and good layout that is well placed for the visitor.
* Good level of effort. Only conflict was D-HTML navigation menu with the "slide show" portion of the site.
* Very good presentation of content. A wonderful education on Wolves. Thorough and visually appealing.
* Very friendly navigation. Offered 2 forms of navigation and also image links.
* A job well done.
You are now in the August 2002 Winners Page (Bronze).
Best regards,
The Team of BigEye Award Program!
August 28, 2002
"Dances With Wolves"